I actually know what this says! |
I've gone and done it now. I signed up for piano lessons! I thought it might be good for many reasons. I come from a long line of piano players in the family, but was never taught. I will have to scan a picture of my 99yr old great grandmother playing a piece. This must mean I have a musical gene in me somewhere just dying to come forth! Another reason, I'd like to add some music to our worship time at our bible study meetings. Last but not least, since I home school it would be nice if I'm able to at least read music so I can teach my kids something in that subject.
My 1st class went great and we moved through a lot of information quickly because my teacher said I was doing so well (it's that musical gene I tell ya). We even played a couple of duets. My first ever on a piano. Okay, on any instrument. She may have had to hit more keys than I did, but still a duet. This next Tueday should be even more fun! I am really enjoying this me time and learning a new skill.
That sounds so nice. I have always wanted to learn how to play the piano but have never gotten past the "reading notes" thing so I got scared. Passig through from Members to Remember for 9/14 - 9/15. Please come visit me at http://mamalousgems.blogspot.com/
That's the part I'm on...reading and understanding the notes. I got the treble clef down, but the base clef is a little difficult.