I'm not forcing my family to participate, but surprisingly they are on board. When I explained to my 7 yr old, after requesting The Wiggles in the car, that we were not listening to The Wiggles for 30 days just "Jesus music" he understood. I explained my whole plan and he was OK with it. He added on, "Does that mean no video games?" I told him yes, and he said, "That's OK. It's only for a month." I'm glad it was so easy for him. I'm ok with them watching Veggie Tales and educational videos during this time, but no TV or Disney and other movies like that.
Day 1: Got on Facebook in the morning to announce I wouldn't be there for a month. I need to focus more on real life. No secular music, movies, TV, or Facebook. Yes, I am keeping up through phone and email, but that's it.
Day 2: Kids are up eating breakfast. Kids watched a Veggie Tales video and I am getting all the laundry done and put away. 1 more load to go! It's amazing how much I can get done without all those distractions around. Did a bible lesson with the kids about love. A friend loveth at all times in 1 Corin. to be exact. We did a craft with Jesus at the well. Alana and Zoey got to practice their cutting. My hubby came home and we spent the evening together in the backyard.
Day 3: Planted some more veggie and fruit seeds in the garden in hopes that they will be fruitful. Alex got out his Leap Pad and all the books. All of the kids are playing together and very intrigued by all this electronic fun. Finished up the laundry. Alex went to Karate and the girls are watching a Leap Frog video about ABCs. We already colored many pictures and read 5 books. Tonight when Alex and Daddy get home we will have Reese's topped sundaes. Can't wait :).

Day 4: Today is Alex's birthday and he is 8 now! Tonight we will celebrate with our bible study group. Went out to water the garden this morning and noticed something ate my cantaloupe plants :(. Not cool! Went to 2 libraries today to get involved in a couple reading programs and get some books. Had a friend and her children over for a few hours. I've noticed since we started this no tv thing that the kids aren't snacking as much all day and they actually eat the food I give them. No complaining too much and they're not constantly hungry. Could that be because they are so busy with their brains that they're not constantly seeing and thinking about food they see on tv? I dunno but I like it! Our groceries will sure last a lot longer at this rate!
Day 5: The kids ate breakfast and are playing with Alex's gifts he received last night. The girls are playing with those electronic hamsters because Alex got a new building that goes with them. Alex is playing with his new "laptop." They are busy, busy. I am listening to a Francine Rivers novel on cd. Already watered the garden for the day.
Day 7-30: I have been busy that I forgot all about updating my blog! Busy with the kids' summer reading programs, sewing, and the week long Bible Conference at church. God has been doing so much in our lives as a family without the distractions of TV and Facebook. Sometimes I want to see what is going on in everyone's life, but I just wait until I see them at church or I text/call them. I made both my girls a dress & bolero these last couple of weeks too. Of course they love them even though I think they could be better. Have another bridal shower to go to. The last of the Pinnick children will be getting married. Fun, fun, fun. Alex and Zoey are going to VBS at Eastside Assembly of God. Baby showers, bridal showers, birthday parties. They never end, but I love getting out of the house!
This fast was so necessary to get back on track. Media was taking precious family time away from us. Out of this experience I got my husband to realize how much money was being wasted on cable tv. We hardly ever watched it to begin with, but after this fast we never turned it back on except to see the weather forecast. That's $900 worth of savings for the year! Now that the new school year has started, we have classroom time, field trips, and nature walks around the neighborhood to focus on. I'll stick to catching up with my social media peeps after the hubby and kiddos are all tucked in.